A Biology Teacher with 10 years of teaching experience. Being 4 years in recent school, the school result for SPM Biology has been increasing consecutively and manage to achieve ZERO failure. Ms Lydia believes that learning with CORRECT ATTITUDES and SKILLS will bring every student to achieve their maximum potential. She is recently the main coach in the district for the new KSSM Biology syllabus. She has been publishing modules for students and teaching the subject in both DLP and Bahasa Malaysia. She has a deep passion in teaching profession and really enjoy exploring new knowledge while making study more meaningful and enjoyable for students.
From the course details, you can find more detailed information.
Form 5 Chapter 1
🔷Introduction to the Syllabus
Material for F5C1
♦️F5C1 Module
♦️F5C1 Practice (P1)
♦️F5C2 Practice (P2 Trial Questions)
Form 5 Chapter 1
🔷 1.1 Organisation of Plant Tissues
🔷 1.2a Meristematic Tissues
Form 5 Chapter 1
🔷 1.2b Primary & Secondary Growth
🔷 1.3 Growth Curves
Form 5 Chapter 1
🔷 Discuss Chapter 1 P1 & P2 Trial questions
Form 5 Chapter 2
♦️Material for F5C2
Form 5 Chapter 2
2.1 Structure of leaf
2.2 Leaf as an ORGAN for Gaseous Exchange (Opening & closing of stoma)⭐️⭐️
2.3 Leaf as an ORGAN for TRANSPIRATION
Form 5 Chapter 2
🔷 2.4 Leaf as an ORGAN for PHOTOSYNTHESIS
(a) Adaptation of leaves for photosynthesis
(b) Structure of chloroplast
(c) Light-dependent vs light-independent reaction⭐️⭐️
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