Ms Doreen has experience in conducting tuition class for Science (Form 1 - 3) in bilingual for almost 10 years. She also provide notes and give extra exercises to the students.
From the course details, you can find more detailed information.
1.1 - What is Science?
1.2 - Your Science Laboratory (till measuring tools)
1.2 - Your Science Laboratory
1.3 - Physical Quantities & Their Units
1.4 - Consistency, Accuracy, Sensitivity and Error
1.4 - The Use of Measuring Instruments, Accuracy, Consistency, Sensitivity and Error
1.5 - Density
1.6 - Steps in a Scientific Investigation
1.7 - Scientific Attitudes & Values in Carrying Out Scientific Investigations
2.1 - Cell - Structure, Function & Organisation
(What is a Cell?, Structures of Animal Cell & Plant Cell, Functions of Structures in Animal Cell & Plant Cell, Comparison between Animal Cell & Plant Cell)
2.1 - Cell (Structure, Function & Organisation)
2.2 - Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Finish discussion for Ex 2.2 and Objectives
3.1 - Homeostasis in Living Things (till regulation of water content)
3.1 - Homeostasis in Living Things
Chapter 3 - Completed
4.1 - Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
4.2 - Human Reproductive System
4.4 - Fertilisation and Pregnancy
Ex 4.3-4.4 given
4.5 - Factors Affecting the Development of a Foetus and Baby
Ex 4.5 given
4.6 - Infertility and Contraception
Ex 4.6 given
4.7 - Plant Reproduction (Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, The Structure of a Flower and Their Functions, Pollination, The Advantages of Cross-Pollination, The Innovation of Cross-Pollination in Agriculture, Fertilisation Process, The Structure of Seed and Their Functions)
4,7 - Plant Reproduction (Germination of Seeds, The Conditions Required for Germination of Seeds)
Ex 4.7 given
Finished discussion - Objectives (Chapter 4)
5.1 - Matter in Nature
Ex 5.1 given
5.2 - Three States of Matter
Ex 5.2 given
Discussion of Ex 5.2 and Objectives done.
6.1 - Classification of Elements (Atom and Molecule)
6.1 - Classification of Elements
Ex 6.1 given and discussed till Q.3
Ex 6.1 discussion done
6.2 - Mixtures
Ex 6.2 discussion done
6.3 - Compounds (Formation of Compounds from Metals & Non-metals, Method to Separate Compounds, Physical Change & Chemical Change)
6.3 - Compounds
Ex 6.3 & Objectives discussion done
7.1 - Composition of Air
Ex 7.1 given and discussed
7.2 - Combustion (Fire Extinguisher)
7.2 - Combustion
Ex 7.2 discussion done
7.3 - Air Pollution
Ex 7.3 given
Ex 7.3 discussion done
Objectives discussion done
8.1 - The Usage of Mirrors
8.2 - Properties of Light
Ex 8.1 & 8.2 discussion done
8.3 - Reflection of Light
8.4 - Refraction of Light
Ex 8.3 & 8.4 given & discussed till Q.4 (continue next week)
Ex 8.3 & 8.4 discussion done
8.5 - Dispersion of Light
8.6 - Scattering of Light
Ex 8.5 & 8.6 given and discussion done
8.7 - Addition and Subtraction of Light (Addition of Light)
8.7 - Addition and Subtraction of Light
Ex 8.7 given and discussion done
Objectives given and discussion done
9.1 - The Earth System and Structure of the Earth
Ex 9.1 given
Ex 9.1 discussion done
9.2 - Composition of the Earth
Ex 9.2 given and discussion done
9.3 - Main Processes of the Earth
Ex 9.3 given and discussion done
Ex 9.3 discussion done
9.4 - Geohazard Phenomena (Volcanism, Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslide, Acid Rain, Global Warming)
9.4 - Geohazard Phenomena (Quicksand, Sinkhole, Science and Technology to Prepare for Geohazards, The Impact of Geohazards)
Ex 9.4 given and discussion done
9.5 - Age of the Earth
Ex 9.5 given and discussion done
9.6 - Earth's Resources and Applied Geology (Surface Water & Underground Water)
9.6 - Earth's Resources and Applied Geology (Economic Minerals, Formation of Petroleum and Coal, Hydrothermal, Effects of Human Activities on the Environment)
Ex 9.6 given and discussed
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